Sunday 7 June 2015

Helping Students to Understand What They Read.

I recently came across an amazing website called which can help students to  understand what they read. Paste any text or website into the box to rewordify the text into simpler language. Easier to understand words replace difficult text shown with highlighting. This is a fantastic tool for students trying to comprehend online information for research purposes, and will also help them to broaden their vocabulary.  Amie Meyer.

Character Analysis

Students have been looking at the elements of characterisation as part of their literature studies during library lessons this term.  We have looked at character traits based on physical appearance, actions, speech, behaviour and interaction with others within a story. Students are able to identify the protagonists and antagonists of a story, and to use comprehension strategies to describe implied character traits. Students in Year 5 and 6 were challenged to brainstorm high level adjectives to describe a character of their choice, and then to provide supporting evidence from the text.  Here are some of the best examples - great job Evan and Sam!